Iva Honyestewa

Second Mesa
Shungopavi Village
Phone: (928) 734-9361
Cell: (928) 613-0548
P.O. Box 329, Second Mesa, AZ 86043
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Iva is a Sun Clan from Shungopavi Village. She began weaving Sifter baskets in 1997 under the tutelage of Beth Dawahongnewa, a clan cousin. Her baskets are made traditionally, using Yucca Plant; rings are made with Willow branch or three leaf Sumac branch (Suuvi). She is able to weave picture designs, geometric, and unusual pieces; ladle sets, sandals, cradle boards, pedestals, and her most recent creation is a 3-demensional turtle design.
Iva participates in the Annual Heard Museum Show in Phoenix, AZ; Annual Hopi Show, Museum of Northern Arizona in Flagstaff, AZ; and Annual Hopi Tuhisma Show in Kykptsmovi, AZ. She has won numerous awards. Most recent have been Best of Category Sifter baskets, Gallup Indian Ceremonial in Gallup, NM in August 2011, and Honorable Mention at the Hopi Tuhisma Show in Kykotsmovi, AZ in October 2011.
She has been doing jewelry since 1992. Some techniques include traditional Hopi overlay, lapidary work with semi-precious stones, and loss wax casting. She was taught Richard Casuse (Father Navajo), Leonard James Hawk (Yakama), Roy Talahaftewa (Hopi), and Charles Supplee (Hopi).
She has performed demonstrations at East meets West Show in Naples, Florida; Hopi Tuhisma in Kykotsmovi, AZ; and the Hopi Show Northern Arizona Museum in Flagstaff, AZ. She is the owner of Iskasokpu Gallery, Second Mesa, AZ.