Duane Tawahongva

Second Mesa
Mishongnovi Village
Primary Number: (928) 737-9359
Secondary Number: (928) 853-3779
P.O. Box 540, Second Mesa, AZ 86043
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. • www.duanetawahongva.com
A member of the Coyote Clan, Duane Tawahongva was born at Second Mesa on the Hopi Reservation and lives today in Mishongnovi Village. Duane’s trailer studio sits on the high bluffs of Mishongnovi, with a 100-mile view of the eternal desert valley below, giving him a view all the way to the peaks of the San Francisco Mountains.
Duane is a self-taught silversmith, working in traditional Hopi silver overlay. Duane’s work incorporates hundreds of designs, including very traditional Hopi designs such as prayer feathers, clan symbols, corn maidens, water waves, and rain clouds. Duane also dabbles in special order contemporary designs such as unicorns, dolphins, and mermaids. Some of Duane’s work also incorporates semi-precious stones including coral, azurite, and natural Australian opal.
Over the last several years, Duane has worked at creating several designs based on Hopi spirituality, designs which are uniquely his own. These designs include his “three generations” and his petroglyph designs which are inspired by Dawa-Ki on ancestral Hopi Lands.
Duane draws his inspiration from the beauty of Hopi Lands and from Hopi spiritual beliefs. Like all Pueblo peoples, his prayers always include prayers for the world and for other peoples before his prayers for the Hopi People and himself. His sincere hope is that his jewelry brings blessings and serenity to all who wear it.
Duane is the recipient of numerous awards including Judge’s Choice at the University of San Diego Show in 2003; Best of Division at the American Indian Art Festival and Market (Dallas, Texas) in 2003; and Best in Division at the Southwest Native American Promotions Show (Fountain Hills, Arizona) in 2002.